Unlock Your Strength with 'Foundations' Beginner Strength Training Course

 Time to get stronger, leaner and energized without feeling intimidated or overwhelmed at your own convenience! 

Does This Sound Like You?

  • You 'workout' you do cardio--walks, hikes, peloton, group fitness classes, but you don't strength train. 

  • When you look in the mirror you don't like what you see. You aren't looking for a 6 pack, but you want to see less fat and more muscular definition. Adding in strength training is going to help you build muscle and help negate fat gain because more muscle speeds up your metabolism and a faster metabolism is what helps you drop body fat.
  • When you fly on a plane, you need someone else to get your bag in the overhead compartment, people offer to help you, but you wish you were strong enough to do it on your own. You will be once you lift on a progressive program like this because each week you will be challenging your muscles a little more which is what's going to get you stronger
  • You're avoiding fun activities with your family to avoid aches and pains in your joints. Just because you have pain doesn’t mean you can't manage it or get rid of it completely. Using pain as an excuse is going to prevent you from living your life. Strength training could be all it takes to rid your pain.

  • You want to have hot, satisfying sex with your partner, but you lack the energy, mobility, and stamina. It’s 100% possible to workout in a way that leaves you with more energy, strength, and mobility so you can enjoy every pleasure of life.

You are hearing so many people preach that strength training is the solution to aging healthy, to getting/staying strong and lean, and naturally feeling more energized! You WANT to strength train-you are just a little overwhelmed a little intimidated and you don't know where to start. That's why you NEED 'Foundations!'

You are Kettlebell Curious. You want to take a taste of what Strength Training with a kettlebell is like before investing in a high ticket coaching program or getting a coach for private training 

Introducing 'Foundations,' beginner friendly strength training program – the ultimate strength training journey designed for those ready to embrace their power and strengthen their lives! If you are new to strength training and are looking for a safe, structured, effective program, Foundations is your perfect start!

Why Foundations?

Stronger. Leaner. Energized. These are not just words; they are the promises we make and deliver with our expertly crafted kettlebell program. Imagine feeling more confident, more capable, and more vibrant every single day. That’s what Foundations can do for you!

Strength training is the key to building muscle so that you can increase your metabolism, which helps decrease body fat. Strength training is also key for building strength. When you have more muscle and become stronger, you feel unstoppable and ready to tackle any challenge because you are now more capable! These kettlebell workouts are all under an hour which will boost your energy, build your strength, and allow you to feel confident in your workouts!

If you’ve been dabbling with kettlebells randomly, this program will guarantee real progress! You’ll finally understand the fine details that make all the difference — from proper form to maximizing your effort safely being on a progressive program. Engaging in a progressive training program is crucial for continuous improvement. It ensures that you are consistently challenging your muscles, which is necessary for building strength and muscle mass. By gradually increasing the intensity and complexity of your workouts, you’ll avoid plateaus and keep your body adapting, leading to better results over time. Random workouts lack structure and consistency, leading to inconsistent results and potential frustration. This structured approach minimizes the risk of injury, allowing you to train effectively, safely, and in a way where you will see progress.

How’s it work?

The goal of Foundations is to give you a strong base for strength training with kettlebells, which will allow you to get stronger, leaner, and feel more energetic! Here’s how the program is structured:

Before you touch the bells, you will to learn how to breathe and create total body tension. Doing this will teach you how to protect your body to prevent injuries. Next you will go through 5 intro workouts all under an hour following tutorial videos for guidance to learn how to perform the exercises correctly. Then, you will begin an 8-week progressive training program that will get you stronger, leaner, and feeling more energetic! Workout time is still under 1 hour. It' advised you train 2-3 times per week as you begin this journey, but the beauty of a self paced course is that you can choose your frequency on your own time!

A little about me

When I was 25, I found myself commuting every day to a job I didn't enjoy. I was newly married and going through a challenging time with my family. Despite working out intensely—doing HIIT, Spin, and Running 5-6 times a week—I hated my body. I couldn’t understand why I didn’t have abs given how much I was working out. I was even drinking green juices and eating avocado toast daily! A year earlier, I had undergone my fourth abdominal surgery and felt miserable in my skin. I was desperately searching for something to help me get it together.

At the time, I was managing a fitness studio that used kettlebells, and I had to learn how to use them for the sake of my job. My intention was never to train with kettlebells. Fast forward six months, my body fat dropped by 5%, and my muscle mass increased. I went from not being able to do a pull-up to doing three without spending any time on a pull-up bar. This transformation gave me a tremendous amount of confidence. I quit my job and found new opportunities that brought me joy and purpose.

Looking back, the problem wasn’t my effort—it was my strategy. Truth be told, I didn’t need to be training six times a week to gain muscle and decrease body fat. I should have been prioritizing protein and strength training aimed at skill development for building confidence, instead of chasing calorie burns and obsessing over the number on the scale.

Never have I felt so confident in my fitness, nutrition, profession, and personal life. I’ve hired coaches in fitness, nutrition, business, and mental health, and now, I want to use my experience and expertise to help you learn a better strategy. I want your efforts to yield outstanding results that leave you feeling limitless!

What's included

1. 30+ Engaging and Informative Videos

   - Step-by-step guides to mastering the foundational kettlebell exercises that will get you stronger, leaner, and feeling more energized

   - Comprehensive workouts that fit into your busy schedule, all under 1 hour--including the warm up

  • Valued at $400

 2. Intro to Strength Training Program

   - 5 Easy-to-follow introduction workouts designed for beginners

   - Learn the basics and build a solid foundation for your fitness journey

  • Valued at $150

 3. 8-Week Progressive Strength Training Program

   - Carefully structured plan to gradually increase your strength and stamina

   - Weekly progressions to keep you challenged and on track

   - Full-body workouts to build, sculpt, and empower your entire body

  • Valued at $400

4. Lifetime Access

   - No expiration, no rush – take the program at your own pace

   - Revisit the content anytime to refresh your skills or reignite your motivation

  • Value is priceless to be able to revisit information on demand

 5. Email Check-Ins for Accountability

   - Regular automated check-ins to ensure you stay on track and reach your goals to stay accountable

  • Valued at $50

Total value is $1000+, you will get everything for $299!



What Clients are Saying

Stephanie P

Before Foundations I would work out sporadically, doing random workouts I'd see on instagram. In Foundations I had a set plan of action for each workout which helped me stay consistent and take out all the guess work. By the end I could push press the 16kg over my head for reps! That made me feel confident in myself and see hard work pays off. I'm now in Swing to Snatch!

Sam S

Having this program and opting to get feedback from Colleen made me see how much stronger my body is when I'm using the right form for exercises that I thought I was doing right like planks and squats, but maybe wasn't. The smallest shift in alignment or creating more tension makes me feel like my body is working harder, and I see how thats making me stronger.

Jess B

I saw a colleague go through Colleen's swing-to-snatch program. After completing Foundations, I felt more than ready to sign up. It’s been three years since I started training with my kettlebell, and I’m so impressed with my strength. I can swing 70lbs, I can squat 100lbs, and do a TGU with 55lbs! When I work out at my office gym, the men are always in awe of how much I can lift.

Nothing changes if nothing changes

If you are ready to take your next step at becoming stronger, leaner, and feeling more energized start now!