Swing to Snatch

A 13 Week Transformation

Build Unshakable Savage Strength and a Lean Physique—Step into Your Power as a Dangerous Woman, Prepared to Tackle Any Challenge with Grit and Grace.

You know you're meant to be the strongest, leanest, most capable woman you can possibly be. But, here's what's happening right now.

Does this sound like you?

  • You're working out 5x a week, but your body still isn't changing. No matter how hard you push, your workouts are leaving you feeling more drained and exhausted than energized and capable.

  • You're eating healthy foods, but your body composition hasn’t transformed. If anything you're noticing more body fat. 
  • You want to walk into your closet and feel amazing in anything you pick out, but right now you're contemplating a new wardrobe because nothing fits!  
  • You want to have hot, satisfying sex with your partner, but you lack the energy, mobility, and stamina. And if we're honest you have sex with the lights off because as confident as you are as a women, you are a little insecure about your body. 
  • You know that you're meant to be the woman in the room who is so confident and capable from within, but you're still dealing with intrusive thoughts like "What if I fail?" and "What if I'm not perfect?"

You know deep down that you're meant to feel like the leanest, strongest, and most capable version of yourself, but what you're doing right now just isn't working—and I know exactly why. When you learn how to train effectively, fuel your body properly, and shift your mindset from fixed to flexible, that's when you'll transform into the dangerous, unstoppable, strong, and lean woman you’re destined to be. Welcome to Swing to Snatch. Your life is about to change for the better! 

Here's why your current approach isn't working

  • You’re working out 5x a week, but your focus is on burning calories and sweating instead of building muscle. This approach is off track because sweat is just your body’s way of cooling down, and the calories you burn during that one-hour workout are only elevated for that hour. If you want to shed body fat, you need to focus on building muscle. Muscle burns more calories during the other 23 hours of the day than any hour-long cardio session can. Once you prioritize strength training and pair it with the right nutrition, body fat will melt away, leaving you with gorgeous muscle tone and a leaner physique.
  • You’re eating “healthy-ish,” but you’re actually consuming the wrong foods and too many calories from them, while not getting enough of the right ones. This leaves you feeling restricted, constantly hungry, and frustrated that the weight isn’t coming off.
  • You spend a lot of time at your desk, crushing your job, but it’s tightening up muscle groups and limiting your mobility. Pair that with the squishiness you're feeling in your body, and the low energy from exhausting cardio sessions and wrong nutrition—no wonder your sex life feels more like a TikTok clip than an X-RATED feature film.
  • Believing you need to be perfect is a myth, because perfection is a moving target. When you give yourself permission to try, fail, and learn, you’ll unlock real progress. Embrace the lessons from setbacks, and you’ll feel ready to chase any dream with conviction and genuine confidence from within.

When you learn how to train and fuel your body properly, that’s when decrease in body fat will follow. That’s exactly what Swing to Snatch is here to teach you, and here’s how

Strength Training Focus: You’ll master the right workouts with hardstyle kettlebell technique to build strength and develop lean muscle mass. You’ll become a calorie-burning machine and a savage in the gym! By the end of the 13 weeks, don’t be surprised if you’re lifting more over your head than the closest man in your life. This will make you feel confident and capable from the inside out.

Nutrition Focus: You’ll discover how to fuel your body effectively, enjoying your favorite foods while eating the right ones to burn fat, build muscle, and stay energized. No dieting or restricting—just clear targets tailored to your training and daily life. You’ll be amazed at how capable you are of achieving the body you’ve been dreaming of.

Mindset Focus: You’ll develop a growth-oriented mindset that supports making progress on both good days and challenging ones. By giving yourself permission that you do not need to not be perfect every day, you’ll still make strides towards your goals because you chose to show up and do your best with the energy you had access to. This mindset will empower you to tackle any challenge and translate into every area of your life, turning you into the strong, dangerous, and capable woman you’re meant to be.

Why Kettlebells?

Kettlebells are not just weights; they are a tool for transformation. With my expert guidance, you'll learn the Hardstyle Kettlebell Technique, a powerful and efficient way to train your entire body. Whether you're a strength training newbie or a self taught kettlebell enthusiast, my program can take your body and confidence to another level whether you are at home, the gym, or on vacation!

Join Now and Transform Your Life!

Don’t let another day go by feeling 'okay' about yourself when you could be 'mind blown' about the woman you are! Make this pivot into my program and become the STRONG, LEAN, DANGEROUS WOMAN you know you are meant to be!

A little about me...

When I was 25, I found myself commuting every day to a job I didn't enjoy. I was newly married and going through a challenging time with my family. Despite working out intensely—doing HIIT, Spin, and Running 5-7 times a week—I hated my body. I couldn’t understand why I didn’t have abs given how much I was working out. I was even drinking green juices and eating avocado toast daily! A year earlier, I had undergone my fourth abdominal surgery and felt miserable in my skin. I was desperately searching for something to help me get it together.

At the time, I was managing a fitness studio that used kettlebells, and I had to learn how to use them for the sake of my job. My intention was never to train with kettlebells. Fast forward six months, my body fat dropped by 5%, and my muscle mass increased. I went from not being able to do a pull-up to doing three without spending any time on a pull-up bar. This transformation gave me a tremendous amount of confidence. I quit my job and found new opportunities that brought me joy and purpose.

Looking back, the problem wasn’t my effort—it was my strategy. I thought burning calories by doing cardio and eating healthy foods would give me a strong lean body, but it didn't. To get a strong lean body you need to focus on building muscle. The only way you build muscle is by training on a progressive strength training program and eating the right amount of protein, carbs, and fats. 

Never have I felt so confident in my health, profession, and personal life. I’ve hired coaches in fitness, nutrition, business, and mental health, and now, I want to use my experience and expertise to help you learn a better strategy. I want your efforts to yield outstanding results that leave you feeling limitless!

By the end of the 13 week course you will feel like a DANGEROUS WOMAN!

You'll be stronger, leaner, and feel empowered to overcome any challenge thrown at you with GRIT + GRACE! When you partner with me, you gain access to each of the following:

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Behind the scenes look at Swing to Snatch: A 13 Week Kettlebell Intensive course materials!

  • By training on a progressive program using heavy enough weights over 13 weeks, you'll build strength, increase muscle, and decrease body fat.
  • Implementing the fueling strategies in the nutrition model will provide the energy needed to support your training. This approach ensures you build strength, increase muscle, and decrease body fat.
  • The exercises in the program are designed to build strength + muscle, increase mobility, and boost overall stamina.
  • Each week's exercises build upon the previous week's, stimulating both your body and brain. As you overcome challenges, you'll develop mental resilience that can be applied to real-life situations.
  • Weekly questions and reflections will help you embrace a flexible growth mindset which will help you to realize how limitless you truly are.

What's included 

Transform from Basic to Badass in 13 Weeks, valued at $1000.00

The progressive strength training program is designed to take you from basic to badass in just 13 weeks. You are going to train 4x per week on your own schedule, with the best program to ensure you are building strength and muscle with flawless form!

Personalized Coaching and Expert Guidance, valued at $7000.00

You’ll have daily access to Colleen, ensuring you stay on track even when life throws challenges your way. Colleen will help you develop a flexible mindset, overcome the fear of failure, and focus on progress over perfection.

During the 13-week program, you’ll also get two live Zoom calls per week in addition to your four solo workouts: one dedicated to workshopping form (Tuesdays 6:15pm EST), and the other a full guided workout (Saturdays 11am EST). All calls recorded if you can't be live.

To fuel your success, you’ll receive personalized macro splits from Registered Dietitian Hillary Ervin and a dedicated nutrition module to ensure you have the energy to build muscle and shed body fat.

Supportive Community for Unmatched Accountability

You’re locked into a supportive community of women who are calling you to rise every step of the way. The social pressure to show up and give your best becomes a powerful motivator when others are counting on you and cheering you on. In this group setting, you’ll experience a positive environment where encouragement is mutual, boosting everyone's commitment and drive. The structured schedule helps you stay consistent, while shared goals and challenges create camaraderie and mutual motivation. Celebrating each other’s achievements adds a sense of shared accomplishment, reinforcing your dedication to both the program and your personal goals. This community is truly priceless.

Total Value is over $8k

You will get that at a fraction of the cost, AND you have options. Check out the two tiers: Bronze and Silver. Note there is the option to pay in full or do two monthly payments.


What's Included

  • Training Program that takes you from basic to badass in just 13 weeks. Valued at $1000.00. 

  • Personalized Coaching and Expert Guidance to ensure you are doing the right things to become strong and lean. Valued at $7000.00.

  • Supportive Community for Unmatched Accountability. This is priceless! 

Total value of Bronze is $8,000.00, but you get it for a fraction the cost!




$2000.00 Paid in Full


What's Included

  • Training Program that takes you from basic to badass in just 13 weeks. Valued at $1000.00. 

  • Personalized Coaching and Expert Guidance to ensure you are doing the right things to become strong and lean. Valued at $7000.00.

  • Supportive Community for Unmatched Accountability. This is priceless! 

  • Additional Written Form Feedback. Receive written feedback on up to 10 videos per week to ensure you know exactly what to focus on with each exercise. The total value of this feedback amounts to $1,300.

Total value of Silver is $9300.00, but you get it for a fraction of the cost!

$2900.00 Paid in Full
$1100.00 X 2 Monthly Payments Bronze
$1600.00 X 2 Monthly Payments Silver

Private Sessions

Optional Add On

Weekly private sessions with Colleen or a Biomechanics Specialist, depending on your needs. A single session during 'Swing to Snatch' is $150 (regularly $200). Availability is limited based on the coach's schedule. If you're interested in the private sessions, please email Colleen Conlon at [email protected]. Private sessions are recommended for anyone managing a previous injury or who has a unique need for one-on-one support. If you commit to one private session per week, valued at $2,600.00, it is available for just $1950.00. When added to the Bronze package it comes to $3,950, or $4,850 with the Silver package.

  • Purchase either the Bronze or Silver package, and then email Colleen. You will handle payments for private training separately on a month to month basis during these 13 weeks.

NEXT Round Starts, TBD 2025

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You have a choice

You can either stay where you are, continuing with workouts and eating habits that aren't helping you become strong and lean, all while knowing you're capable of so much more. Or, you can choose the best program designed to make you strong, lean, and energized, transforming you into the most dangerous, capable version of yourself. The time to feel confident in and out of the gym, and excel in every area of your life is now.